Friday, February 27, 2015


If you popped your head outside today, you'd never think that Spring is anywhere near .... it is snowing in North Texas .... and has been for a couple of hours !!!! I, for one am overjoyed ..... I LOVE snow !!!!
It wont be long though, before the flowers start blooming, and the little critters start appearing. When life seems to start anew .... a beautiful time !!! With this in mind, I baked some cookies a couple of days ago ..... little Spring critters :-)

So cute .... and delicious too !!! My favorite are the hedgehogs ..... I've always had a soft spot for those prickly little things. Brits favorite are the snails ... she just has a thing for them :-)
After my recipe testing session last time, it must be revealed that we have a new recipe for decorated cookies ...... the shortbread type cookie won hands down over my long standing sugar cookie recipe. We are a family of shortbread lovers however :-)

Time to go fetch the kiddos - they're releasing them early from school today ......Wohoo - there is some snowman building in our future I predict ....


  1. They look so yum. I have never had the inclination to bake never mind cook. I HATE IT. I am always blown away by people like you who do all kinds of things... they look beautiful.

  2. I love these! so cute...I'm sure they taste amazing!
