Since picking up a crochet hook almost a year ago, I have spent many happy hours creating. I've created lots of little amigurumi animals, flowers, pin cushions ... and so the list goes on:-)
I find it very relaxing, and probably the most satisfying part about it - you get really quick results !!!
2 crochet blogs in particular have become favorite daily reads for me - the lovely Lucy's (Attic 24) and sweet Alice's (Crochet with Raymond). Both those ladies have a way with color - their blogs are pure eye candy, and I've learned a lot from them.
So, today I thought I'd show you a work in progress (WIP) as well as something that I hope will soon come to fruition.

First the WIP - a blanket for my soon to be niece or nephew. My sister's baby is due early next month .... let's hope she can hold on that long. She's carrying one mighty big baby there!!!! My initial plan for it was to make a giant granny square .... then .... boredom set in .... so .... I changed my mind, and decided on 4 large granny squares joined together with a few rows of granny clusters as a border. I am much happier with this change of plan .... now I just need to get moving with it we all know babies wait for nobody - least of all a slow aunt !!!!

Secondly, I conquered it !!! The flower of the moment - the Japanese flower!!!! Lucy at Attic 24 recently showed a shawl that she was making using these flowers, it is absolutely gorgeous:-) Being the crochet baby that I am, I had no idea how to make this flower, and all my searches turned up nothing, that was until Alice from Crochet with Raymond came to the rescue, and mentioned that the blog, Elizabeth Cat, had a photo tutorial for this flower on it. I whizzed over there, and 30 minutes later had created this beauty. I am definately going to make that shawl for myself (It is too beautiful not too). I just have to be patient and wait until I can get some lovely yarn to make it in !!! In the meantime, It's loveliness will fill my dreams:-)
The kids are on Spring Break this week - although it's been colder the past few days than it has in a while. It hasn't stopped all that nasty pollen though, from wreaking havoc with my sinuses ... so yukky!!!
Have a lovely week ... it's certainly a pretty time of year:-)