Sunday, April 10, 2016


I sat reading through some of my favorite blogs today - it's something I just love to do. There's SO much creativity and SO many ideas out there - inspiration abounds !!!
I felt a little sad though, because my little happy place has been very neglected over the last little while - the degree of neglect seems to have gotten a little worse each year :-(
In my own defense, I have spent a lot of time over the past 12 months,  trying to grow my little cookie endeavor, and I've been over the moon excited by the response I have got. I couldn't be more thankful.  When I thought a little more about my blog however, I realized that I am burnt out - not by my blog, but by what life has dished up to us over the past 6 or so years, and this has played havoc with my creativity - it's just not what it used to be. At the same time, this creativity brings me so much joy, as does sharing it. I want to ..... need to ..... find my way back to that creative place, I'm just not sure how to right now.

So, that being said, all I have to share with you today, is a plethora of cookies ..... orders I've done over the past couple of weeks :-)

I got the chance to play around with some Initial Cookie ideas for a wedding rehersal dinner ...
Everyone in the family had a different favorite - only Andy and I chose the same cookie.
There were some new-to-me techniques with these ....... love learning new things :-)

Texas themed cookies ..... these cookies were placed in the hotel rooms of out of town wedding guests. I LOVED that idea, and it reminded me of my sisters wedding. We put goody bags in each guests room for her wedding.
This was the sample picture I sent to the customer ....... only to find that she was an Aggie !!! This foreigner didn't even think of that .... needless to say the longhorn cookie was axed from the group !!!!

Easter Cookies 2016 ...... so cute !!!!

We (hubby and I), are on a "healthy eating plan " right now ..... we don't use the DIET word !!!
So that nobody felt deprived over Easter, I made these little mini cookies ...... they were a hit, and oh so cute !!!! Everything just seems cuter in its miniature form <3 p="">

Tri Delta Sorority cookies ....... a sweet Spring Break treat for a college student :-)

These beauties had me a little worried to start, I'd never seen or heard of them before I was asked about making some for a bridal shower. Pinterest is a lifesaver !!!!!
Love them .... so elegant !!!! 3 delicious shortbread cookies, sandwiched together with vanilla buttercream, and decorated however you wish. These were decorated in icing, colored to match the brides colors.

These floral cookies were for the same bridal shower ..... the photo is awful (but it's the only one I have). The colors match those of the stacked cookies. It was raining cats and dogs when I took this picture, so the light was horrible.

So there you have it ....
Hope you've found some time to be creative, it's so good for mind, body, and soul.


  1. I don't know how I missed this post, but these are all gorgeous. I think this is your new creative outlet. I'm hoping for a lesson in shortbread cookie decorating from you this summer.

  2. These are looking yummy cookies and I think cookies are best to arrange in all parties. I am arranging my cousin’s wedding in couple of months and I will arrange a lovely cookie bar at Los angeles wedding venues on his special day. I am sure everyone gonna love that!
