Saturday, April 2, 2011


I know that this has absolutely nothing to do with crafts or goodies I've made, but it is priceless, and sums up Boy Child ..... 110% boy!!!

He spends hours trying to catch these bullfrogs ... and is successful fairly frequently. This one made the funniest noise when he was picked up:-) Once we'd taken the pictures, he was safely returned to his watery home:-)


  1. What a great picture! That's the biggest frog I've ever seen!!!!

  2. AWE ! Such a great picture. And yes boys will be boys.. and some girls will be tomeboys.. like me.. i grew up running around bare foot (hence the name of my blog) :) I played with all the animals.. climbed our humongo rocks in our back yard. I was a mountain girl ! Now I am settled down married living in folsom Ca. But I still run around bare foot ALOT !
    I recently started to crochet. I love it. Yesturday I got a 12 pack of different size needles in the mail I ordered of ebay!! My husband came home handed me the mail and said close my I heard something fall from his back pocket.. I knew what it was !!! YAY !! hehe Well I'd love for you to visit me on my blog, I don't have many followers yet.. but get very excited when Someone does follow !! here is my blog

  3. how fun is that....pretty frog too!
