Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Hello..... Hello

I thought I'd just pop in to say that I'm still around. We're having a number of technical disasters at the moment. My computer has died ..... finished, broken, can't be fixed!!!! It's not possible for us to replace it, so I pop onto hubby's when I can ...... in the little time slots that exist between the demands made on the poor thing by Middle Schoolers, who need to print off reams of homework daily.
Perhaps my biggest disaster though, is our inability to download photo's from my camera onto the computer. My mom kindly left me her old camera when she visited in June, so that I had one after my camera packed up ...... despite hours of trying numerous different things, we can't get the pictures to download onto the computer ............. and it's frustrating me SOOOOO much, because I have tons to share with y'all!!!!
We'll continue to search out downloading solutions, or wait for a great camera deal to present itself.

I'm still visiting all of your blogs regularly, and hope that I can be back to my spot in Blogville soon ......... I miss it so much!!!!

Have a lovely day:-)

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