It's been a long time in the doing, but it has finally happened !!! I am so happy with the way my perfectly, pretty, creative space turned out.
I have it all organized into different stations - Papercrafting, sewing and a Cricut station ...... everything I could possibly need for those specific crafts is right at my fingertips. The best part about this entire redo - I had to buy nothing except 2 small plastic storage containers, and a yard of fabric. Everything else I either repurposed, or already had on hand, just waiting for the right time to be used.
So please join me on a tour of my space ...... just a quick warning - there are alot of pictures and a lot of words !!!
At the top of the stairs, on entering my space. The shelves are there for storage. At the moment they have my 3 brad containers on them. I've used round containers that have detachable boxes. They are typically used to store beads in for jewelery making. The brads fit perfectly into the small compartments, and I have them all seperated out - One stop brad shopping at my fingertips.
The green boxes are my photo storage boxes - they are empty at the moment. Top of my "To Do" List once the kids go back to school, is to sort and box my photos ..... it will make scrapbooking them so much easier.
The tension wire ...... FANTASTIC !!! It is from Ikea and is meant to hang photos on. It has all my patterns, clearly marked and packed in Ziploc bags hanging off of it ..... this might just be my favorite part of this room.
Moving on now ....
This is my papercrafting (and general crafting) station. All my scrapbook papers are arranged by color or theme in those plastic drawers on top of the desk. My stamps, stamp pads, pens etc are conveniently placed here. I have lots of table top space available to spread out my scrapbook layouts while I work on them :-)
Onto my sewing station we go ..... zips, piping, elastic, bag handles ..... all stored in the plastic drawers you see. Pincushions at the ready ..... love how I now know where everything is. My cutting table is all set up, complete with cutting mat and rulers at the ready.
My Cricut station ..... lots of space to cut, clip and glue. How I love this machine .... it's like magic !!! The 2 filing cabinets you see in the picture house all my sewing patterns (left hand side), and all my scrapbooking stickers and chipboard accents ( on the right).
Here's another Ikea special ..... these bars normally have plastic cups that hang off them. They do a brilliant job of keeping my paper punches organized and at the ready.
I used to have this metal thing in my grocery cupboard .... it's for storing your canned goods on. I changed my grocery storage system a little while back. Not wanting to waste them (I have another one packed away, for when it's needed), I tucked them away. Just so happens that they are the perfect storage solution for my acrylic paints. I have them grouped by color.
Moving to the other end of the room now, 2 bookshelves that were no longer needed in the kids rooms. Here glass jars store ric rac, buttons, embroidey thread, ribbons of every color, binding, sculpey ...... let's just say it's my version of an old fashioned candy store without the calories ..... it makes my heart flutter !!!!
Here is the other bookcase, rescued from Girl Childs room in a terrible state. Not to be detered, I cleaned it up, and hid the ugly backboard, by modge podging some lovely fabric to it ...... voila !!! Here you'll find my reference books, felt (wool and acrylic), as well as my fabric scraps and fat quarters. On the top are my DMC threads (I bought that beautiful wooden threadcase when we still lived back home). Pretty jugs hold my knitting needles and crochet hooks.

Now this idea I saw on Craftgossip a long while back. This is a fold up side table I got on clearance at Walmart ($3) many moons ago. Anyone that sews knows how often you have to iron little, fiddly bits .... here's the perfect solution. I glued some batting to the table, then glued a layer of Insul Bright to the batting. I let them both dry and then cut off any extra batting that was hanging over the edges. I then laid the table, upside down, on the fabric, and cut the fabric 4 inches larger than the table all around. Trusty staple gun in hand, I stapled the fabric to the underside of the table, pulling tightly as I went around. This little item has proved invaluable for those small ironing jobs.

This blog has been such a blessing to me, in so many ways ..... I don't have a huge following, and I dont have hundreds of people visit it every day, but that doesn't make me sad. I have met some of the most wonderfully creative and sweet ladies as a result of my little space in Blogville. Ladies that I would absolutely be great friends with if we lived near one another (Sometimes I sit and imagine the craft parties we could have). In celebration of this blog, I felt I wanted to have it represented somewhere in my space ..... after all it motivates me to craft. Soooo, I bought chipboard letters that spelt out my blogs name and set to work prettifying them. I painted the edges with paint, and then modge podged sewing/knitting/crocheting themed scrapbook papers to them. I finished them off with another layer of modge podge to seal them, and then hung them up ....... they really do just make me smile :-)
Here's a close up of what they look like.
I still want to make valances to hang at the windows, in that pretty green and pink rose fabric, when the budget allows. I'm in no hurry though, it will happen when it happens.
So there you have it. I look forward to many, many, many hours of crafty fun in my space.
Thank you for joining me for my big reveal ..... you're the very ones that make this blogging adventure of mine so worthwhile:-)