Monday, December 28, 2015


Well that turned out to be an unexpected, long blog break .......
Sickness, huge amounts of cookie baking, and just the general madness that the Christmas Season brings, are all to blame!!!!
I thought I would squeeze one last 2015 post in, before 2016 dawns and hopefully with it, all that is good.

I'm sure some of my regular readers think I'm a little odd ...... I'm talking zombie doll odd !!!! Truthfully it is so much fun to just sit and create with no rules - these cute, little critters allow for just that. Thankfully we have a group of crazy ladies who all understand this - Our Yarnigras Zombie Doll Swap Group !!!

I have made two awesome and great friends through this group (we also belong to other groups). One of the ladies I've met in person, the other I WILL meet at some point for sure. We've developed this really great friendship, that is very special to all of us ...... you should read some of our group texts :-)
I wanted to make them each something totally different for Christmas ..... Something they could use .... and something that represented the three of us as friends .....

Taa Dahhhhhh ...... Bag Keeper Zombies !!!!

First we have Betty Big Ears .....

Each of them have their own little poem, that tells their story. Poor Betty Big Ear signed up for a journey to space, and came back somewhat changed .... she's a kind hearted little lady though, as long as she gets her daily portion of fresh, squishy brains !!!!

Next up, is Belinda .....

She is one sassy, little lady ..... 
She was invited to a tea party, woke up on a train, and at some point in that event, developed a taste for brains !!!!

Both of these ladies have a plastic ring attached to the back of their heads, so that they can be hung up. They're great keepers of those grocery sacks we all like to keep, and use to line our trash bins.
I still have to make one for myself ... then we'll each have one, and what better motivation to get my "office" cleaned up, after the Christmas rush, and before the New Year, for which I have so much planned !!!!

Enjoy what's left of 2015. Make some memories that will last you a lifetime !!!!!